§5 Abs. 1 TMG
(Telemediengesetz, German Law for Online Media)
Impressum & Copyright
The Project Business Foundation
A think tank for cross-corporate Project Business Management when two or more customers and contractors are involved in a project under contract.
Postal & Legal Address:
Project Business Foundation
c/o Oliver F. Lehmann
Trollblumenstr. 39g
D-80995 Munich, Germany
Quick Contact:
- Phone:
+49 89 – 96 04 95 60 - E-Mail:
[email protected] - Web:
https://www.oliverlehmann.com - LinkedIn:
VAT ID (Ust.-Nr. – $ 27a UStG):
The website project-business.org contains hyperlinks to external content that may prove helpful for users.
While the Project Business Foundation and Oliver F. Lehmann diligently ensured that these sites were safe to visit when we placed the links, we do not manage these sites and typically have no influence on and responsibility for changes to their contents and behavior.
When you visit these sites, you do this at your own responsibility. We recommend applying the same basic caution that should be generally applied when visiting unknown websites on the Internet.
If you find unexpected content or behaviors on a site we link to, please inform us.
*: VAT ID of Oliver F. Lehmann
Image Sources:
- Oliver F. Lehmann
- Shutterstock and its authors
- Unsplash and its authors
- Microsoft
Copyright for Text & Graphics:
Oliver F. Lehmann. All rights reserved.
Notes on Intellectual Property:
- Contents such as page designs, text, images, graphics, sound, video, animations, and their arrangement owned by the project-business.org and media that can be downloaded from this website underlie copyright and other protective laws. Their use on other websites or in other media constitutes an infringement of these protective rights unless the owner of this website has explicitly agreed to their use.
- Copyright matters are to be resolved under the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany (UrHG) and the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works.
- Some contents on this website are subject to the copyright of their owners.
Trademark Registrations:
The Project Business Foundation is a registered trademark of Oliver F. Lehmann.
Registered trademarks related to the Project Business Foundation include:
- Project Business Foundation
- ACE – Approved Consultant & Educator in Project Business
- PBP – Project Business Professional
Applicable Law:
Any disputes or legal questions and concerns are to be resolved under German law. Place of court: Munich.